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Exploring the Earth, Our Oceans,
and Space

INFINITY Science Center

Project Services

  • Experience design
  • Software development
  • Graphic/visual design
  • 3D modeling/animation
  • Video production
At INFINITY Science Center, RLMG’s immersive presentations and interactive games engage visitors with leading-edge space, ocean, and weather research happening all along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.


Working closely with museum staff and exhibit designers at DesignForce, Inc., RLMG designed and produced a handful of high-impact pieces that transformed the museum into an active, engaging encounter with science.


Deep Ocean Explorer is a first-person interactive game and an immersive theater piece featuring a 25-screen view into a computer-generated ocean. In a virtual submarine, visitors dive through schools of tropical fish to reach the seafloor then navigate robotic minisubs through a 3D environment to repair an oil rig.

Hurricane Simulator is a four-player interactive that teaches visitors about hurricanes, then challenges them to create their own monster storm by controlling its location as well as ocean temperature and air pressure.

Inundation Station is a 16-foot, projection-mapped model at which visitors are challenged to build a coastal city that can withstand flooding from a major storm tide. Physical building locations are tracked by camera. Digital water floods the table, augmented by environmental sound effects and graphics that provide feedback informing visitors about the fate of their cities.

Design Force